Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Red Violin.

  • Genre - Thriller, you can tell this from the music and how tense the room is especially when the man smashes the violin.
  • Titles are shown in Sans Serif, go well with the blurred background which gradually comes into focus.
  • High angle shot first lowering on a crane, gives the feeling of falling.
  • credits shown in dark areas and not on the actors.
  • Violins are shown when they come into focus gives enigma.
  • From the costumes you can tell it is set in the past.
  • Text is posh like, like the opening of the workshop and auction house.
  • Dark colour pallet, lets us see wood colours vibrantly, coincidence violins are these colours.
  • Samuel Jackson enters the room wearing different clothes to everyone else, this shows his importance and gives enigma as to why he is so important.
  • Lighting is used well, window light gives a dark working environment.
  • Strings overlay with continuous notes.
  • Creep pitch, chelos do the same but lower.
  • Diegetic sounds are heard, woodwork, tools, fire crackling.
  • When the violin is smashed on the table the music stops and that is all that is heard. Makes it more dramatic.
  • Then we walks of and the music comes in again, shows how significant the violin smashing is.
  • Not much jump cuts are used and the camera is almost always moving.
  • The camera moves to show the workplace and the title fades.
  • When it cuts to the door, the camera follows in point of view. Makes you feel like you are there.
  • When there is the scene in the hall you can tell it is big from the echo heard.

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