Thursday 26 July 2012


  • Heavy noises, which are distorted.
  • Gives the feeling of a horror/thriller because you wouldn't hear these types of sounds on a for example childrens film.
  • Faced paced, deep beat.
  • Sounds industrial or factory works.
  • Robotic sounds which are distorted.
  • In the background you can hear a hip hop beat.
  • Also gives you the feeling of destruction.
  • He is cutting of his thumb prints, maybe he is a criminal or up to something bad.
  • The book he is looking through are murders/dead bodies.
  • The whole opening is filled with heavy shadows. Emphasizes the thriller/horror genre.
  • Mystery hands - you never see the mans face.
  • Font - Not conventional, constantly shifting and all over the place, the shifting and movement go with the music.
  • Nothing stays still which makes it unsettling.
  • The hands are grainy and distorted also dark.
  • An old fashioned razor is used along with old books, makes you think it is set in the past.
  • In the extreme close up when he is taking of his skin, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

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