Sunday 29 July 2012

Girl with the dragon tattoo.

  • The narrative for the story seems like a missing girl or kidnapped.
  • The man receives a pressed flower (from Hong Kong) and he begins to cry. It could have a meaning or have sentimental value to him.
  • You can hear him opening the package, then the music comes in.
  • Starts with dark sounds, low, dramatic/tragic.
  • When the title appears the music becomes more sinister.
  • The flower is significant to what might have happened to the girl.
  • Two short shots of the girl, adds enigma, who is she?
  • Courtroom pages opened - diegetic sounds.
  • There is a sound bridge of the news presenter.
  • No sound on the girl, music overlays it.
  • Allot of close ups - moving in and out.
  • When the picture of the girl comes up the shot changes to the hooded girl. Makes you think she has some significance to who she is or what happened.
  • Allot of cutting to different scenes.
  • Genre - Thriller/Mystery this is shown from the enigma of who the girl is and from the courtroom scene. Why are they in court and has the girl got something to do with it? 

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