Monday 30 July 2012


  • The film shows a police officer shot, you don't know who he is or why he has been shot.
  • It is shown he is important as they all phone each other saying he has been shot.
  • A siren at the start gets louder and louder.
  • Other officers are talking and there is a tragic song playing which fits in with how sad the scene is.
  • The font is Sans Serif, tall font, like gangster New York style.
  • Dark colour pallet, height used well to establish places e.g. Office room, very light, police office, dark.
  • When his clothes are being cut all you can hear are the clothes being cut as the music stops.
  • The costumes are fitted for 1970's.
  • Man on the phone higher than the other officers in shot - hierarchy.
  • All men on the phone are important.
  • Camera follows Serpico, makes you feel like you are there and a doctor.
  • White font, dark background.
  • Raining connotations of sorrow and remorse.
  • Genre - Looks like a thriller/action film.
  • Cross of mystery.
  • It is an 18 rated film, shows what the film will be like (violence, swearing, blood/gore)  

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