Wednesday 1 August 2012

Bourne Identity.

  • The start shows a nightmare happening, but what has happened which would lead to haunt him?
  • Who is the women and why is she helping him?
  • Who was shot in the dream?
  • Is he ill?
  • All these questions add enigma to what is happening in the story.
  • It is dramatic to start and builds up tension.
  • Voices in the dream are heard although they're indistinct.
  • Wooshy sounds are heard to show speed.
  • Gunshot wakes him up, voices are heard but can't work out what they are saying.
  • Wakes up - Rain on the window and it is windy - Pathetic fallacy.
  • When they're talking the women isn't panicking so it must have happened before.
  • Out of focus, follows the man down the street. Point of view.
  • When the man gets out of bed the camera follows him all the way to the bathroom without cutting.
  • Persons silhouette past the camera.
  • Shot and reverse shot from the man and women.
  • It looks like a thriller/action from the violence and enigma.

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