Sunday 5 August 2012

Ideas for thriller opening.

  • A vigilante.
  • Wears dark clothing like a trench coat and suit trousers.
  • Smart shoes.
  • The opening starts with the man sitting at a table, the room he is in is dark and the outside weather is raining.
  • He has a map in front of him with a small circle drawn on it.
  • He then gets up looks out of his window and walks over to a board.
  • On the board there are about 10 (or more) small photos of people's faces, 3 or 4 are crossed out.
  • 2 of the photos have circles drawn around them (to show significance)
  • He picks up the photos and puts them in his pocket.
  • The shot then changes to a man sitting in a room reading a newspaper with a girl tied up in the corner, she has her head down and not really moving.
  • Another man then enters the room, walks past the girl and sits down.
  • Cut to the vigilante who is leaving his house, as he closes the door behind him he takes one last look at the 2 photos, before putting them back in his pocket.
  • He is then seen leaving the house on foot.
  • You see him walk towards the house and moves to the garage door where he listens in.
  • He opens the garage door and runs in.
  • The door shuts behind him.
  • As the door shuts the screen goes black. 
  • You can hear smashing and movement coming from the room.
  • Then there is silence and the title fades in.

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