Friday 3 August 2012

Opening Sequence Analysis.

The opening to the T.V show Mad Men shows a shadowed man enter an office room and put down his suitcase, the style of the opening has a unique feel, it is as if it has been put together using card and gives a graphic feeling. You can tell the man is a business man from the suit he is wearing and the office environment, the briefcase is also a giveaway as well. The violins playing give a very dramatic feel and add tension into the scene, they are also the only instruments playing. I like how tense the music is and you can tell this is a drama or thriller, also how unique the graphics and art style are and the titles are easily seen. I would use something similar for my opening sequence as the music adds tension and builds up something dramatic.

The room round him begins to collapse and the office objects (desk, lamp, windows ect) begin to fall beneath him, he then falls with them. This could show a business collapsing, or his life. The music then picks up and a beat is introduced, making the scene more dramatic as he falls.

The titles used are clear and easy to read, this is because the contrast between the black and red text are easily seen on the white/cream background, it also links with the shadowed man. The text is very simple and I like the fact they aren't in your face but just continuously fading in and out throughout the whole opening. I would use something as simple as these to give the opening a simple but effective look. 

To analyse this opening sequence I used Art of the title to view the opening, then took screenshots to help show which parts of the opening I was talking about. 

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