Thursday 2 August 2012


  • The first shots are close ups of different parts of a face, like it is a examination.
  • The extreme close up of the eye turns red, like blood or anger. Makes it feel like a horror or worry.
  • You can clearly see the white font from the dark shots.
  • There is a spiral animation which is used in hypnotism, shows it is a psychological thriller.
  • Vertigo has something to do with the mind, so this means the film will we have a psychological feel.
  • The women seems innocent.
  • The spirals change colour.
  • Why is the women here? Adds enigma.
  • Hypnotised or falling effects are given from the spiral.
  • The music is tense, however soft like hypnotism.
  • The music becomes smoother as you get further through the spiral sequence.
  • The start of the eye colour of the girl is not seen it just looks black. Which adds enigma.
  • The women seems scared/worried and it seems like she is being forced to stay still.
  • The colour pallet is dark which shows the unknown and horror.
  • Fear is a big element because of how scared the women is. 

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