Wednesday 30 January 2013

4. Who would be the audience for your media product.

Our film is about a man who has his child and wife taken from him and he is on a wild goose chase to find them. It also involves him taking orders from the captives to save his family. I think this falls under the "On the run" category of thrillers, well at least under the criteria of sub-genres on Box Office Mojo. If you click the link you can see the highest grossing film of this sub-genre made a lot of money, therefore the "On the run" sub-genre is pretty popular. Another thriller sub-genre I think ties nicely in with this film is action. This genre comes in many varieties but the film series that I think greatly corresponds with the audience we are trying to entice is the James Bond series. The newest release from this series "Skyfall" has all the heart pounding action and intricate plot lines that our film would have. Films like "Taken" also are under the "On the run" sub-genre and action genre, we wanted our audience to be people who enjoyed these films but also came to see something different. Both these films also were very successful at the box office, so we thought "choose a genre that people will be interested in the most" and the charts don't lie.

The sub-genres are known to interest 20 year old males up to any age really. But the same can be said for the female audience, we aimed to make our thriller suit the general age ranges for the thriller genres mentioned earlier. By doing this we would have to give our film an age certificate to make it able to show the gore or heavy language that is used in most thrillers. The BBFC certify films, games and downloadable internet items. They are a non-government funded company who would set an age limit on our media product to protect minors from it.

If I had to choose an age rating for our media product I would give it "15". I believe it would be this rating because of the strong language that would be used by the criminals and the main character (out of desperation from the loss of his family). Also the film would have drug references/use and strong violence because of the criminal activity side of the film as the main character tries to find his family and gets mixed up in gang crime. This would all help to make the narrative realistic and engage the audience more in the film. Swearing, violence and drug taking all help to add realism and enhance the thriller experience by making you cringe and heart race. Most thrillers carry the age rating of 15 for those exact reasons.

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