Friday 8 February 2013

7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The camera work and continuity wasn't very good in my initial task. We rushed into it, but we learnt from this in the final opening. Below you can see how, during filming, we didn't realize one of our members feet was in shot. This wrecked our continuity and it was too late in the process of making the short clip to re-shoot it.

We were limited to one location during filming but we made up for this with some good shots showing the main character and the main prop. Both of these had close ups showing they were important and we also had fluidity in our shots adding to the professionalism of our short clip.

We learnt a lot from these errors and in the final thriller opening we did some good continuity editing,  we made every shot lead on from each other in an understandable way. 

This match-on-action is great example of our continuity editing. As you can see the main character has reached for the door handle and is seen in the next shot coming through the door, this makes sense and is understood by the audience.

Something we didn't include in our preliminary task was anything in the way of a title sequence or production logo. All we did was add one title in the short clip but we learnt from that in our final product. 

Above is the only title seen in the short clip, but below is what was used in our final thriller opening. You can see a production logo and several titles but these ones are not all of the titles used. I also thought adding a production logo into our thriller opening would add to the professionalism a great deal. It would also coincide with many of the conventions in movie openings, this also applies to the titles. 

We added several enigmas to our thriller opening unlike our first exercise. We including stills in the opening at the very beginning to created an enigmatic atmosphere. This was created by simply showing a trashed room and letting the audience figure out the rest. This all came together to create a complex narrative, also. 

We also added a soundtrack to our final opening because we felt something was missing from the preliminary exercise and that was music. We added drones and white noise to key points in the opening adding to the thriller aspect of it all. We also timed to titles to come in as the drones played which was a nice touch to add to the professionalism of it all. 

We added a wider variety of locations and shots to the final opening learning from the original exercise. We used a house and outside in a town area. We also used different types of shots such as; match-on-action, close ups, medium shots and pans. All of this helped us created a solid and professional thriller opening.