Monday 3 December 2012

Delicatessen Soundtrack.

We had to use the opening to the film 'Delicatessen' which is a thriller film and create our own soundtrack for it using garage band, first we watched the clip a few times to see what type of soundtrack would fit best, then put the video in GarageBand and created the soundtrack. The final video with our soundtrack can be seen here:

Firstly we made a video track and put the Delicatessen video in, this made it easier when getting the timings for each of the sound clips and where we want them to go.
We then added sound clips to the start of the clip to emphasise the knife being swung and the main title appearing. We made sure the sounds were perfectly in line with the video and they fitted in well with what was happening. We used pre made clips for the knife and title and added a preset effect called 'deeper vocals' which gave a horror/thriller effect to the sounds and made them more gritty.
A loud sharp piece of audio is used to emphasise the main bits of action, but when the main sequence started there wasn't much action. To solve this issue we added two harmonised loops which added tension and they were in the minor key so they had connotations of; Freight, fear, sadness, suffering and suspense. The main loops were also orchestral which is common in most thrillers and it also gave a horror feeling to it with the "deeper vocals" effect. The loops also fit in well with the gliding camera which is what we wanted.

Overall the soundtrack works well with the Delicatessen video and runs smoothly throughout the entire clip. If we had more time I think more delicate sounds could have been added which would have improved the overall outcome.