Thursday 18 October 2012

Reece photos of possible locations.

This photo shows a dark ally way which is quite a well known feature that appears in the thriller genre. The entrance at the end of the ally way is seen and could help add enigma to the story and thriller opening. You can also see how enclosed the area looks, it gives a dark feel and you can imagine a hooded character to be in this type of area which would add mystery.

Like the other ally way photo this one could also be used to help add enigma to the opening of our thriller, however this one is a lot more open and not as enclosed as the other photo, meaning the scene wouldn't be as dark because of how bright the area is and the colours surrounding the area.

This location would be a great spot for the end scene of the opening thriller, the enclosed area and open space at the end of the walk way fit well and would be a great place to film.

This location is easy to get to because it is one of our group members houses and we will need to use a house in the thriller opening. This is a perfect location because it contains many rooms to film in and is accessible to everyone in the group. 

UPDATE: We have chosen our final locations they are the "House" and "Wem, Town Hall, Surrounding Street". These choices are both inspired by the reece photos we took. 

Shot List for Chosen Locations

Location: House


  1. Mid Shot
  2. Mid Shot
  3. Mid Shot
  4. Close Up
  5. Mid Shot
  6. Mid Shot
  7. Mid Shot
  8. Mid Shot
  9. Mid Shot
  10. Mid Shot
  11. Close Up -> Mid Shot
  12. Mid Shot
  13. Mid Shot
  14. Mid Shot
  15. Close Up
  16. Mid Shot
Location: Wem, Town Hall, Surrounding Street


  1. Mid Shot
  2. Mid Shot -> Long Shot
  3. Long Shot
  4. Long Shot
  5. Long Shot
  6. Mid Shot
  7. Close Up
  8. Close Up
  9. Extreme Close Up 
  10. Mid Shot

Chosen Locations - Shot List.

Location: Sam Graves' House

  1. Mid Shot
  2. Mid Shot
  3. Mid Shot
  4. Close Up
  5. Mid Shot
  6. Mid Shot
  7. Mid Shot
  8. Mid Shot
  9. Mid Shot
  10. Mid Shot
  11. Close Up -> Mid Shot
  12. Mid Shot
  13. Mid Shot
  14. Mid Shot
  15. Close Up
  16. Mid Shot
Location: Wem, Town Hall, Surrounding Street
  1. Mid Shot
  2. Mid Shot -> Long Shot
  3. Long Shot
  4. Long Shot
  5. Long Shot
  6. Mid Shot
  7. Close Up
  8. Close Up
  9. Extreme Close Up 
  10. Mid Shot

Group Idea - Final Choice of Storyline

  • Man comes home saying: "Darling, I'm home!"
  • (Titles are appearing as the action unfolds, overlaid on the film) 
  • He puts his keys on the shoe cupboard
  • He looks around the house as he searches more the tension picks up, including the music.  
  • Several shots are seen of the man searching his child's and wife's bedroom and around the house, kitchen and living room etc. 
  • Eventually the man see's a spot of blood on the kitchen floor and says: " no no."
  • He eyes start the go wild until he sees a note reading: "Come to the back of The Wem Town Hall if you want to see them should of paid your debts Harry."
  • Match on action shot of the door handle
  • Harry runs through Wem lots of action like shots are shown.
  • Harry finally comes to a bag behind the Town Hall and opens it, a picture of his wife and child is shown.
  • A note is seen saying: "To get them back you are going to have to work for us for a while"
  • Harry begins to breakdown into tears but then is knocked out by a mysterious thug.
  • The main title appears on a black background.

Monday 15 October 2012

Shot Ordering Exercise.

This was a group project which we got given the shots in a random order and we had to put them in order of how they go in the film. It was helpful to see what shots go where and when, we did good to start but with a few mistakes but then got it right in the end. Also helps for practising when editing so you know what shots go where.